GÉANT 4 project – stage 2 (2016-2018)
GÉANT4 project is the continuation of previous GÉANT projects, but this time through Horizon 2020 program. This project continues establishment of connection towards GÉANT network and the Internet, and development and implementation of various services offered by consortium.
Vision of the GÉANT project is to ensure equal network access for all scientists across Europe to the research infrastructures and the e-infrastructure resources available to them. The GÉANT Project is fundamental to European e-infrastructures, delivering the pan-European GÉANT network for scientic excellence, research, education and innovation. Through its connectivity, collaboration and identity services, GÉANT, together with its NREN partners, provides users with highly reliable, unconstrained access to communication, computing, analysis, storage, applications and other resources, whenever and wherever needed,
Cyber Security in Danube Region (2015-2016) 
Cyber Security in Danube Region is the project financed by START fund. The project stipulates organisation of several meetings and trainings for project participants aimed at training of CSIRT teams for high quality provision of security services. This project will increase capacities of information security department within AMRES through training of employees. Other participants in the project are organizations from the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Croatia and Moldova. Project leader is CZ.NIZ, national CSIRT of the Czech Republic.
GÉANT 4 project – stage 1 (2015-2016) 
GÉANT4 project is the continuation of previous GÉANT projects, but this time through Horizon 2020 program. This project continues establishment of connection towards GÉANT network and the Internet, and development and implementation of various services offered by consortium.
GÉANT 3+ project (2013-2015)
GÉANT 3+ project was the continuation of GÉANT 3 project, originating within FP7 program, in order to bridge the period from completion of FP7 program till initiation of Horizon 2020 program. With this project AMRES has provided connection to European Academic Network which is partly financed by European Commission, and connection to other part of the Internet via GÉANT network, as well as various services such as eduroam service, connection to European Identity Federation eduGAIN, possibility of using testing environments for implementation of GTS network projects, multi domain MPLS VPN functionality for connection of institutions participating in research projects (MDVPN services) and other. Transfer of knowledge and experience to AMRES employees, but also to administrators in the institutions which are users of academic networks through organization of specially prepared trainings such as the training in the field of IT security held in Belgrade is an important component of the project.