
Web-proxy service enables AMRES institutions to proxy  web traffic (HTTP/HTTPS) by using AMRES web-proxy devices. This service also helps to keep security of end users’ devices at an optimum level when connecting to Internet from AMRES. When web traffic is proxied, some web contents are additionally filtered in order to preserve primary function of AMRES, and that is providing  high quality Internet access for the needs of scientific and education community in the Republic of Serbia.

More information about web content filtering can be found on the web page that explains how AMRES proxy devices work. When end users need to access Internet from AMRES network, they have to use AMRES web-proxy. Web traffic proxying means that end user’s HTTP/HTTPS requests traverse IronPort proxy devices which are located in AMRES main site.

In order to access the Internet, AMRES end users have to set up their web browsers to use AMRES proxy. Institution’s technical contact is responsible for helping in setting up AMRES end users devices. In agreement with him/her, end users may use guidelines in Instructions for Configuring Proxy Devices in Web Browsers (Serbian version only).